
Fish 'n' Shit

Reading that title back reminds me of how dirty my mouth can be...oh well.

So, I was on the bus yesterday - a really smelly and foul east London bus - when I received a text. Now, this text was unnecessary, and annoying, and stupid, and I would've liked to punch its sender in the face, but I'm neither violent (much) nor up for hurting someone I really care about. If I didn't care about them, then they wouldn't have my number, so the situation wouldn't occur, and I wouldn't be angry, so I wouldn't want to punch them. But I'm even angry now thinking about it. I'd need a decade or more to discuss the back story, in order for you to understand why the contents had no right to waste ten seconds of my life. I'm not going there.

Anyway, after reading the text I tried to calm down - conscious breathing and all that shizz. As I was doing so, my ears picked up on what the couple sitting behind me were discussing. Fish and chips. They were chatting about how much they love fish and chips. And it made me laugh. I was still fuming, but I had to giggle at what was happening. It's like when you walk into a conversation and catch a random word or phrase out of context. It sounds ridiculous, sexual, random, etc., and ultimately you find it funny. Until this point, I'd never thought of fondling such situations. So next time someone pisses me off, or my brain goes on a negative rampage, I'm gonna breathe and eavesdrop on a conversation to give me some much needed satisfaction. Chances are it could make my state worse, causing me to erupt. Or it could be so humorous that all my cares and worries in the world are completely and utterly forgotten, and simmer, and simmer, until one day thoughts start to bubble inside of me, days into weeks, into months, until I'm diagnosed with a mental condition. But let's be positive people! That may never happen.

The fish 'n' chips couple have inspired me to make a list of the ten best fish and chips shop names:












Mmmmmmm...I'm hungry now.

Until the next post - xx

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