
"Allow Me to Reintroduce Myself..."

Handed in my two weeks' notice. Today. Score!

I'm not gonna get into the many events that have led me to leave my slightly-above-minimum-wage retail job, without another job lined up, a "back up plan" or a few hundred pounds in the bank. Let's just say I endured it for as long as I could, financed a few trips abroad and a teacher training course, met many beautiful people, and learned how to manage a stupid amount of shit (not actual shit - stock, I worked in a stockroom), with limited space; and I'm probably a more organised person. Ultimately, lots of choices have brought me to this point. I'm scared shitless, but it doesn't matter. Not knowing what's going to happen to me in a few weeks, or a few months from now is oddly exhilarating. I have mild "freak out" moments, worrying about everything that could possibly happen to me, but I suppose that is to be expected. I've never done this before. Shit - I've been working practically non-stop since the age of sixteen, alongside studying. I'm tired. I'm tired of a this Groundhog day lifestyle that I've slipped into. The bottom line is......THE FEAR OF STAYING WHERE I AM IS MORE DAUNTING THAN THE FEAR OF LEAPING INTO THE UNKNOWN (paraphrased and stolen from John C. Parkin...I think. Check out his F *ck It books. He's a funny guy.)

In light of this liberating event (pretentious much?), I shall be caressing, and nurturing, and exposing myself on this blog. No, not like that. Mentally, spiritually? Regularly! I might as well. And I'll start to incorporate my love of music - DUH. Do you often wonder how one can be so foolish? I make music, I talk about music with my peers -  a lot, and I've never used this blog to discuss that. Silly Mingo. Anyway, enough backtracking. Sooooooo...be prepared to read about my escapades, and music, and things that make me laugh, and anything really. YAY!

I'm off to eat some melon...

Until the next post - xx

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