
Starry Night

I have a goal list. I can't remember most of them off the top of my head, but that doesn't matter - I'm going to achieve them. I'd like to share one of the first goals I recorded. It was instigated by a ridiculous Simpsons episode (sorry, I can't embed the video). Principal Skinnner cooks a meal for Superintendent Chalmers, and his kitchen catches on fire; Chalmers asks him what's going on in the kitchen, to which Skinner states that this is happening:

Don't look at the hut, look past it. The "colourful" sky is an effect known as an aurora borealis, or  northern lights. As soon as I heard the term, I used trusty ol' Google to find out what it was. I'm not going to explain the science behind it, Wikipedia can help you out. It's beautiful, no?

I imagine it to be the type of experience that would render me speechless.

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