
Freeze Sucka!

I just got robbed. I was sitting on the bus, having a conversation with a friend on my iPhone, when a guy grabbed it from my grasp. I chased him off the bus for a good 200 meters until he climbed over a high gate. And even after I'd lost him, I searched the nearby roads, asking passersby if they'd seen him.

Initially, I became teary-eyed, in shock of someone thinking that they had a right to take what was mine, what I'd worked and paid for. I hate the act of theft. If you're stealing a piece of bread because you're hungry - fair enough, I could excuse that. But this guy was not hungry, he was probably going to sell it on for a few hundred. Also....he was Black, and this disappointed me, not to say that if he was Caucasian or Asian I'd be happier, I just figure that he's entertaining statistics and stereotypes. Anyway, I called the police (my first time) and my network provider. The phone has now been blacklisted/blocked, and I have insurance, so I'll get a new one in a few days.

So, even though I didn't catch him, I felt awesome for attempting to. At the time I knew it was dangerous. I fought off thoughts of him seriously harming me with his fists or a weapon, or stealing the rest of my possessions. Frankly, I didn't care, I couldn't let it be that easy for him, I wasn't going to let him skip down the road grinning. I even contemplated picking up something to threaten him with, but there was nothing around. This makes me wonder if I could have pursued a career in law enforcement:

(I'm no Beyonce, but I couldn't find a more attractive policewoman picture online.) Maybe...maybe. It's surprising what thoughts certain events can provoke. Two hours later, and I'm really happy, really happy. He didn't take my sunshine. For goodness sake, it was just a phone. A microchip and a lump of plastic. I never want to cry over a man made material again! Little Dragon comes to mind:


  1. oh wow eyesha that's crazy, yeah i would of ran after him too. Knowing me I would of lobbed my shoe at him!!!

  2. good thing I wasn't on that bus. I always get bruised recovering my acquaintances' stuff from robbers, or stopping people from getting hurt. In this case I'd have only saved some money to your insurance company and prevented you from getting that little big moment of serendipity people have when they realise they feel stronger about standing for their right than about losing a bit of plastic.


