
What Is In A Name?

Last week, I was on duty to pick up my eight year old sister from school. Outside of her classroom, a row of coat hooks are positioned under name tags. The kids hang their book bags and lunch boxes on their labeled hooks. As my sister took her possessions off of her hook, I noticed the label beside it: 

Initially, I laughed and thought of a few jokes. I'm not going to share them. But I will say that I am slightly confused as to the gender of the child. He or she only has a surname. Its forenames consist of a noun/exclamation and a verb/noun. I predict that this kid might have a tricky time introducing themself to people in the future. Likely to hear: "pardon?", "what was that?", "huh? What's your name?", "is that your real name?", "seriously?" etc. Ultimately, at least no one could ever suggest that s/he isn't loved by their parents. Mr & Mrs Joshua only want the best for Peace-Praise Joshua. That's real love. Real love. I think I might just name my child...

Beautiful Millionaire-Forever Mingo

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