

The title is correct - I am a lady. And this title, is soooooooo...how do you say....humongous, and subjective, and many other things. As a lady I expect many things. One being...contemporary chivalry. But what is that? I don't see it. So why am I trying to identify it?

CASE STUDY: Yesterday I was on the bus, sitting down, preparing for a nap, as the traffic was heavy. A lady got on with her toddler, and kindly asked a man to give up his seat for her because she'd been travelling with her child all morning. So this guy turns to her and utters, "sorry, I've got a long journey ahead." Which basically means - "no" - but he didn't want to come across rude, of course. I gave up my seat for the lady.

Why can't guys nowadays...

Address me as "fair maiden".
Hold doors open for me.
Write me sonnets.
Compare my appearance to the beauties of nature.
Escort me to banquets.
Place their coat over puddles, so that I can avoid getting my shoes wet.
Go on a quest to defeat monsters and giants, in order to win my love.

And most importantly....

Offer me a seat on the bus!

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