
Sexy Beast?

I didn't post the photos from the shoot I did with my chum Mode de la Minx. My bad. Here's one of me:

And one I took of her:

She got some amazing shots of me. I say that they're amazing not because I'm in them, but because despite my lack of experience in front of a camera, and inability to personify anything that Tyra Banks has mentioned in America's Top Model, she managed to get some really amazing shots of me. I think she's a pretty dope creative, and she surpassed my own ideas of what I wanted to portray. So I can't wait to get a few retouched images back and pick one to be my EP cover.

Modelling is very hard (duh) especially when you're trying to be yourself/music artist self. No way did I think it was going to be easy, and for some stupid reason I've always thought that I wasn't photogenic. The result of some childhood incident I never recovered from? I dunno. Maybe I've been called ugly a lot. Nope, that's not it. I have a few theories that I'm obviously not going to disclose. The bottom line is that I had to train myself not to predict that my first photo shoot was going to be a disaster. Mantras and shit. I've been doing so since I told myself that photo shoots, interviews and all the non musical activities WILL be part of the trying-to-be-successful-making-music package. 

Anywho, it was a great experience with a great friend who made me feel comfortable the whole time. I learnt that I'm not completely unable to take a good shot. My body language and shapes were fine. 'Twas just my bloody face. Anyone who knows me would probably say that I'm facially expressive. But for some reason I kept giving these dead stares. Even this dude is giving more attitude than I was:

I had Tyra's voice in my head saying "SMEYES BITCH, SMEYES!" (Smile + eyes = smeyes = smiling with your eyes.) But I blatantly didn't portray that on film. She told me to pout and I didn't understand why she'd ask me to do such as thing. I figured only people with minute lips had to pout to give the illusion of bigger lips. Man, my lips are anything but small. I can't put on lipstick in two strokes - copious surface area. Ain't no shame in it. She was right though. The aim was to accentuate/frame my jaw, or something like that.  It took just under an hour for me to "warm-up" and smeyes and pout (not like Keira Knightley) effectively. By then we had managed to get a nice shot of me looking away from the camera. Score! Props to her for making the most out of my disability.

Until the next post - xx

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