
Life is....Dandy...I Mean Randy...No, Dandy

When I left my job, I feared that I'd become bored with the amount of free time I was likely to have. I didn't think that there was going to be enough activities that I'd really want to explore. Of course, I was going to spend a stupid amount of time making music, but even with this passion, I thought I wouldn't be capable of writing and producing a lot of material. Contrary to my insecurities I've been doing so many things that my life is a colourful blur:

  • Rekindling my love affair with my sewing machine, altering old clothes and changing shirt buttons (I adore buttons):

  • Enjoying films. This is a shot of Samuel L. Jackson in Cleaner. (Not the best film, but I like him and this face!):

  • Meeting up with estranged friends and attending birthday shindigs:

  • Going to a great (but expensive) hairdressers to get my hair treated and pressed, only to go home and put a zillion rollers in it. Here's the outcome - my ode to Annie:

  • Paying attention to my health and well-being. No caffeine for me, thanks:


  • Attending artsy events:

In this beautiful hall - Wilton's Music Hall - I witnessed the captivating Conor O'Brien of Villagers. I kind of entranced by him. His voice filled the room which such control and tenderness; and he can write a bloody good song - so inspiring:

I got to witness this kick-ass dance battle. Sofiabulous and Anna Ninja shattered my understanding of Waacking. I'm a complete amateur, and haven't been trained in any dance style, but I've watched a lot of stuff over the years, and these women are stupidly good. You know when your brain can't process a movement or a sequence? How did they do that? Why is their body making such shapes? How can they whip their hair to the beat without causing whiplash? I asked myself these questions and many more. The last few minutes (from 3:50 onwards) made my night, and the tune is toooo hard:

I'm expecting tomorrow to be an interesting day, as my amazing friend Mode de la Minx will be taking a few test shots of me for my EP cover - EXCITED! All those years of watching America's Next Top Model better pay off. I better remember my angles and smyes (I'm not sure if that's the correct elision of "smile with your eyes".) So, hopefully the next post will detail the day and I might even post a snippet of one of my tracks.

Until the next post - xx

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