
Guess Who's Booty's Back?

Hello to my one follower! Gosh, that should be a painful statement to make but I'm not sweatin' (excuse the Americanism). One day every man, woman, and child will read my blog, and I'll be more powerful then that Murdoch chap! *GROWLS* One day...one day. Speaking of the media, I'm going to share a very amazing story with you (one follower):

On a sunny afternoon I was heading home on the Underground, when I noticed a pudgy middle-aged white man opposite me skimming a magazine. Being highly inquisitive, I tried to get a glimpse at the images he was admiring. He closed the magazine, before I could get a proper look at one. But I glimpsed the front cover and...behold...he was reading...BLACK BOOTY magazine. (Yes - a pornographic magazine showcasing booties that are black!) He wrapped his hands around the mag and looked up, I avoided eye-contact as much as Londoners avoided SARS, and Swine Flu, and Bird Flu, and so forth. I cringed for a good few minutes, until he got off the train, before me - luckily. I couldn't allow myself to walk away from him, knowing that he could take delight in my derriere.

P.S, Public transport is no place for an individual to advertise their sexual delights.

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